Pozvánka na přednášku Thomase K. Shora ****************************************************************************************** * Pozvánka na p?ednášku Thomase K. Shora ****************************************************************************************** Srde?n? zveme na p?ednášku Thomase K. Shora o charizmatickém odkryvateli "skrytého místa" Sikkimu podle stejnojmenné knihy vydané v roce 2011 A Step away from Paradise. P?ednáška p 2016 v 10.00, místnost 427 (Celetná 20). Abstrakt ke stažení [ URL "UJCA-377-version1-a_step_away____prague____poste.pdf"] A Step away from Paradise: The True Story of a Journey to a Land of Immortality This slide presentation lecture (in power point) A Step away from Paradise tells the true usually relegated to the realm of fiction: a journey to a land of immortality. Shortly after the Chinese takeover of Tibet in 1959, a charismatic and learned visionary T Tulshuk Lingpa proclaimed a crack in the world. He came to the then independent Kingdom of Eastern Himalayas—sandwiched between Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and Indian Bengal—in order to ‘ a hidden land of immortality fabled in Tibetan tradition. This lecture, based on the book of the same name (Penguin, 2011), is based on over four ye and extensive interviews. It weaves together the colorful and often profound stories of th members of this visionary expedition, whom the author sought out across the Himalayas. By extraordinary story of Lama Tulshuk Lingpa, the presentation unravels the mystery behind t generations had been awaiting, a life that culminated in actually leading over three hundr expedition to a hidden land. The lecture is informed with historical and cultural material gleaned from in-depth resear Bodleian Library, with conversations with some of the leading scholars of Tibetan Buddhism with practicing Tibetan lamas. The numerous photographic portraits of the people in the st with photographs of the places described act as constant reminders that though the story s boundaries between fact and fiction, the events depicted are all true. And though the plac this journey were remote, the aspirations and faith of those who journeyed into the snows land beyond cares tell us something about the human heart and imagination. Thomas K. Shor Writer and Photographer Thomas K. Shor was born in Boston and studied comparative religion in Vermont. He has spent most of his life in the planet’s mountainous realms photographing and writing the stories of those who live there. His first book, Windblown Clouds, which w both the USA and India, tells the story of his first journey to India as a young man when with a seventy-year-old ex-Harvard professor turned holy man. He is also the author of The A Journey Through Politics, Doubt and Devotion with a Himalayan Master (HarperCollins, 201 Contact: thomas.shor@yahoo.com Webpage: www.ThomasShor.com