FF UK Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Filozofická fakulta

ÚJCAInstituteArchiv publicationsKostic, Verb Syntagmata

Kostić, Svetislav: Verb Syntagmata in Hindi, Structure and Function. 127 pp. Prague: Karolinum, 1999.

ISBN 80-7184-777-1 ISSN 0567-8269

A simple verb designates an action in general. Verb syntagmas (a phenomenon typical for Hindi and other modern Indian languages) consisting of pair of verbs, are able to convey some additional features of the action independently on the tense and mood forms. The most typical functions they can convey are manners of action, verbal aspect and expressiveness. The study deals with different types of syntagmata based on the non-finite verb forms: Verb Stem, Absolutive / Transgressive, Participles (perfective and imperfective), Infinitive, Gerundive, Supine and their functions. Structural analysis is carried out on the Hindi literature language material (Premchand and folk literature).