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ÚJCAInstituteArchiv publicationsIndie. Bohové a lidé

Indie. Bohové a lidé. Kolektiv autorů. Odborná redakce: H. Knížková. Brno: SVAN a Moravské zemské muzeum, 1997.

ISBN 80-84956-12-8, ISBN 80-7028-105-7

Various aspects of Indian Hinduism by Czech Indologists. D. Zbavitel: Principles of Hinduism, E. Merhautová: Hindu mythology, K. Zvelebil: Ceremonies at home and in the temple, H. Preinhaelterová: Life cycle rituals and customs, The festival of Mother Durga and her children, H. Knížková: Hinduism and art. The book has numerous technically perfect photos with comprehensive subtitles, an index and a list of recommended literature.