FF UK Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Filozofická fakulta

ÚJCAInstituteArchiv publicationsPreinhaelterová, Hinduista od zrození

Preinhaelterová, Hana: Hinduista od zrození do zrození. 136 str. Praha: Vyšehrad, 1996.

ISBN 80-7021-211-X

(A Hindu from Birth to Birth) Hindu life-cycle rituals and customs. Based on theoretical studies and Bengali fiction concerning the field but mainly on the author's direct experience from her stays in Bengali middle-class households. The aim of the book is not only to acquaint European readers with common-life Hinduism, but also to make them compare the distant culture with their own, to discover similarities with the extinct or dying-out customs and beliefs in the Christian cultural sphere and to appreciate the positive features of traditional Hindu family relations as compared with the Western self-centred consumers' society.