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ÚJCAIndologie a indonésistikaAktualityProf. A.J. Gail: Exclusivism - Inclusivism - Pluralism. A case study with Hindu temples (prosinec 2014)

Prof. A.J. Gail: Exclusivism – Inclusivism – Pluralism A case study with Hindu temples

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Prof.  Dr. A. J. Gail z Freie Universität Berlin

Na téma:

Exclusivism – Inclusivism – Pluralism. A case study with Hindu temples.

Ve čtvrtek 4. prosince ve 14:15 hod., m. č. 427, Celetná ul.

The science of religion, scrutinising the various attitudes of one religion towards

the other, of one sect towards the other, not rarely operates with three categories:

exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism.

According to Prof. Schmidt-Leukel, science of religion, all conceivable attitudes are,

in terms of formal logic, comprised by these categories.

Without considering the latter opinion I find that the three forms are attractive enough

to find out whether they are applicable to an essential differentiation within the vast

complex of Hindu temples.

My tentative results will be submitted with many examples of Hindu temples.