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Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria: Indian Minority in Malaysia

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Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria

Principal Research Fellow

Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA)

National University of Malaysia (UKM)

Na téma:

Indian Minority in Malaysia

Ve středu 16. 9.  2015 v 10.30 hod.,  m. č. 427, Celetná ul. 20

Malaysian Indians since the 2008 General elections have begun to exert their political demands through the ballot box which saw their traditional support to the ruling political party reduced. Although a minority community of less than 8% of the Malaysian population Malaysian Indians form significant minorities in 60 parliamentary constituencies out of the 222 in the Malaysian parliament. The sift in voting has also seen some major initiatives for the ruling political coalition to address major concerns pertaining to urban poverty, opportunities in education and enhancing socio-economic and cultural rights. The agenda of inclusive development and a shift from race to class has some potential in addressing poverty and inequality in Malaysia society.

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Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria

Dr. Denison Jayasooria is the Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnic Studies, National University of Malaysia (UKM). He holds a PhD in sociology from Oxford Brookes University, UK. His areas of research include urban poverty, ethnic relations, human rights, social work and ASEAN studies. He was member of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) and a member of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Police (2004-2005). He has been active in public policy advocacy. His key publications are Social Development & Indians in Malaysia, an Agenda for Social Inclusion (2008, YSS, KL), Politics and Service: the Experiences of Banting Jaya (2002, JJ Resources, KL) and Disabled People, Citizenship & Social Work, the Malaysian Experience (2000, Asean Academic Press, London), National Development Plans and Indians in Malaysia: A Need for Comprehensive Policies and Effective Deliveries (2011).

He is a Malaysian of Sri Lankan Tamil decent (Jaffna Tamil) when his grandfather migrated to British Malay then in 1910. He is married to Datin Rose Cheng who is a Malaysian of Chinese decent (Foo Chow) as her grandfather and father also migrated to British Malaya.