Aleš Rýznar, M.A.
I am a PhD student of the program Theory and History of Asian and African Literature at Charles University in Prague. I graduated the bachelor and master programs in Buddhist Studies and Himalayan languages at Kathmandu University in Nepal. The fields of my specialization were Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan language. The studies were completed by master thesis entitled The Eleven Themes of the Great Perfection History and textual analysis of esoteric instructions from the Ye khri mtha’ sel cycle attributed to the eighth century Dran pa Nam mkha’. As part of my field research, I have also studied for several years philosophy and poetry at traditional Bon and Buddhist monasteries, particularly in Triten Norbutse and Ka-Nying Shedrub in Kathmandu. Finally, my interests include history, philosophy, and practice of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon, and particularly of early dzogchen and tantric works. I also take an interest in literary theory, interpretation, and analysis of texts, methodology of translation and psychology of religion.
My dissertation thesis is called The Necklace of Precious Pearls: Critical edition, textual analysis, and translation of the Mu tig phreng ba tantra of rDzogs chen with Vimalamitra´s commentary. I will present study of a work included in the collection of Seventeen Tantras of Esoteric Instructions (Man ngag sde´i rgyud bcu bdun). The text of study is called The Necklace of Precious Pearls and it provides esoteric instructions on theory and practice of Dzogchen. It is divided to eight chapters and composed in a classical poetic style of 7-syllables stanzas. Although these verses are obscure, they are annotated by interlinear glosses for better understanding of the tantra. The glosses are also presented in various prints in form of different commentaries, and thus, create a unique and complex source of interpretation of this early dzogchen work.
Short CV
Academic Education:
2015 - PhD student in Theory and History of Asian and African Literature
Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Thesis title: The Necklace of Precious Pearls: Critical edition, texual analysis, and translation of the Mu tig phreng ba tantra of rDzogs chen with Vimalamitra’s commentary
2012-2014 Master of Arts (M.A.) in Buddhist Studies and Himalayan Languages
CBS at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Thesis title: The Eleven Themes of the Great Perfection: History and textual analysis of esoteric instructions from the Ye khri mtha’ sel cycle attributed to the eighth century Dran pa Nam mkha’
2009 – 2012 Bachelor of Art (B.A.) in Buddhist Studies with Himalayan Languages
CBS at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Extracurricular education:
2014 Advanced Buddhist Philosophy and Poetry (Complete St. Program in Tibetan) Philosophical monastic college at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject: Tsad ma rig gter by Sa kya Pan di ta (1182-1251) and other texts
2014 A Semestral Course of Tantric Buddhist Philosophy (in Tibetan)
CBS at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Subject: Zab don snang byed nyi ma’i ’od sel by Yon tan rGya mtsho ( -1925)
2013 A Semestral Course in Tantric Buddhist Philosophy (in Tibetan)
CBS at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Subject: ’Od gsal snying po by ’Ju Mi pham (1846-1912)
Field research:
2009 – 2013 rDzog chen Philosophy and Practice of the Bon Tradition
Triten Norbutse Bon monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject: The Zhang zhung snyan rgyud cycle of the Bon tradition
2005 – 2008 rDzog chen Philosophy and Practice of the rNying ma School
Educational Center of Namkhai Norbu, Isla Margarita, Venezuela
Subject: Various dzogchen texts of the rNying ma school of Buddhism
Special Education Study Awards
2012 – 2015 Advanced Buddhist Studies Scholarship, Tsadra Foundation, USA
2010 – 2012 Buddhist Studies Scholarship, Khyentse Foundation and Rangjung Yeshe Ins.
2009 Academic Studies Scholarship, International Dzogchen Community, Italy