Ústav jižní a centrální Asie
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Prof. Dr. A. J. Gail
z Freie Universität Berlin
Na téma:
The beginning of pictorial narratives in Angkor
V úterý 29. 11. 2016 v 15.50 hod., m. č. 427, Celetná ul. 20
As a praeludium of my paper I would like to communicate the results of recent laser archaeology in Cambodia. This modern technology, operating from a helicopter about 800 m above the soil, permits the discovery of old manmade structures that change our knowledge about urban centers outside Angkor, the capital of the Khmer empire.
The famous Īśvarapura / Banteay Srei temple, situated some 25 km north-east of Angkor proper, was founded by the brahmin and king’s guru Yajñavarāha in the year 967 CE. It is important from various angles. The three sancta are dedicated to Śiva as well as Vishnu. The temple marks the beginnings of pictorial narratives in Angkor, based on the Indian epics (Mahābhārata and Rāmāyana) and the Purānas.
The quality and preservation of the allover embellishment of the relatively small and elegant structure is unique, caused by a very hard, fine-grained, pink sandstone. The temple was the first Angkorian structure that was reerected by way of anastylosis.
The paper forms part of a research project, sponsored by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn) on Hinduism in Angkor: Pantheon and Iconography.
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