FF UK Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Filozofická fakulta

ÚJCAMongolistika a tibetanistikaAktualityPřednáška: Samara Borgia

Samara Broglia přednese přednášku o výzkumu keramiky v Ladaku

Srdečně zveme na přednášku, kterou přednese archeoložka a doktorandka na École Pratique des Hautes Études v Paříži, Samara Broglia. Samara se účastní archeologického projektu francouzských badatelů v Ladaku a přednese přednášku na téma

A review of ceramic studies in Ladakh and the new discoveries

pátek 16. 12. 2016, 17:30

Celetná 20, míst. 427

The ceramics of Ladakh remains only little developed field of studies. The first research on the subject was carried out in the beginning of the 20th century by A. H. Francke on the sites of Alchi and Balumkhar. Years later Francke conducted an excavation on the grave site near Leh where few entire pots were collected. In the 1990’s, two others studies were published on painted pottery of the few sites in Central Ladakh by N. Howard and another in a Neolithic site in Kiari by S.B. Ota.

Since 2015 new research has been conducted on the pottery of Ladakh in order to understand its technical and artistic innovations at different periods of time, and the identification of the different material and cultural exchanges with neighboring regions of Central Asia, India and Tibet. This presentation will focus on the evolution of ceramics production techniques and forms–as well as on various influences on them–starting from their proto-history up to the 17th century A.D.

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